HDAMA has conducted the assessment in collaboration
with GGTC, SEATCA, and ATCA each year since 2020
The purpose of the Tobacco Industry Interference Index is
an attempt of Good Governance of Tobacco Control (GGTC)
and its partners in the region, South East Asia Tobacco
Control Alliance (SEATCA), African Tobacco Control Alliance
(ATCA), and others to define the measures and elements
that contribute to the ability of the tobacco industry to
interfere with public health policymaking. The tobacco
industry’s behavior and actions in many of the countries in
the Asian and African region are similar but the extent to
which the tobacco industry succeeds depends on the
government’s capacity to resist its tactics. The
government’s action to protect its policies from tobacco
industry interference in accordance with WHO FCTC Article
5.3 and its Guidelines[1] would determine its capacity to
deal with such interference. This assessment could provide
an indication of the government’s capacity to resist tobacco
industry interference. The results will be used to develop a
report on how the governments have been complying with
Article 5.3 of the FCTC based on the pertinent parts of the
Guidelines. Where appropriate, advocates may use this
report as a tool to monitor progress in implementing Article
5.3. Comparisons of results with other countries in the
region could encourage and provide impetus for the
government to do better.
The Health, Development and Anti-malaria Association /HDAMA/ was established on August 23,1998 by Volunteers who were deeply concerned about the increasing problem of malaria and its high morbidity and mortality in Ethiopia. HDAMA has been officially registered as an indigenous NGO
Address Kazanchis, Kirkos Sub-city Wereda 8 House Number-15/2-4 Very Close to Kirkos Sub City Police Station Previously Known as 6 Th Police Station